Accelerating R&D ideas

R&D is critical to keeping brands relevant today and building relevance for tomorrow.

The digitalisation of R&D and rapidly changing consumer and market landscape, means that R&D is scoping futures that most of us can’t even imagine. This can sometimes make it difficult for business leaders to take a leap of faith and invest in new technologies.

According to Gartner research with R&D Leaders*, 94% say it’s critical to understand customer’s needs, and 96% believe that the rate of change for tech and trends is increasing.

The ability to bring new solutions to market quickly could be the difference between achieving a market-leadership or a me-too position.

In our experience, the barriers to achieving market-leadership are often internal.

Futureful accelerates R&D’s ability to translate radical new technologies into consumer-ready concepts.

We collaborate with R&D teams in 2 capacities

  1. Translating R&D ideas into consumer-relevant concepts

  2. Building roadmaps to land technology step-changes internally

We do this through:

  1. Engaging with stakeholders

  2. Emphasising what matters to consumers, and colliding this with trends, technology and the opportunity

  3. Dramatising how the R&D concept will help to meet this need.

We work collaboratively with your researchers, scientists and brand and marketing teams to make this happen.

To find out more, get in touch here

*Gartner Research: Head of R&D Leadership Vision 2022

Don’t just take our word for it … Hear a former client’s experience of working with us before we started Futureful

Emma led a disruptive innovation project with Unilever Discover to translate some radical new technologies into consumer-ready concepts that would gain senior-level engagement from within the business.  The concepts and event that were created were so compelling, as Emma really knew how to engage senior stakeholders with difficult to grasp concepts, that we received an unprecedented level of marketing investment and engagement to further develop the roadmap.


Dr Nicki Morley Consumer Research Manager Unilever R&D



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